Hop2Win is a consulting and training company which specializes in team building

What makes a team win?

Share team spirit

Define strategy

Act together


Surpass yourself

Celebrate victories

Victoire en équipe
esprit d'équipe

Our approach

Experience. Build powerful partneship inside team. Get ready for the next challenges. Practice. Getting to know each other. Change focus. Define strategy. Cheer up.

What to expect?

Hop2Win, above all, has a desire to reinvent counseling by offering an original and innovative approach that calls on the values of sport and the creative impulse.

Get new ideas from team sport values (cohesion, solidarity or even surpassing oneself)

Awaken your creative spirit (Think outside of the box! Draw, paint, sew, … create!)


By calling on other contexts, other areas than those in which your company evolves on a daily basis, we are committed to giving meaning to your actions and realizing your projects effectively.

Our services

Team support or individual support, on site or outside, in english or in french.

Team building, cohesion, introduction to creativity, empowerment, management of conflicts or innovation and a lot more.

We shape the program to match your needs !

boite à idée de service

Available for 5 min? Let’s share a coffee and discuss together!